What natural products are good for dandruff? - Bee Native

What natural products are good for dandruff?

While dandruff is so common, generally we all treat dandruff the same way. We pick up the staple anti-dandruff shampoos that are on the market which we continue using, even if they only work 50% of the time. 
I have personally suffered with a dry scalp for years, as well as dry hair. But did you know scalp health is also the main reason for dry frizzy hair?

After years of using professional treatments, I ditched it all, and it has honestly been such a relief. For centuries Asian cultures have insisted on hair oiling. It is a natural treatment where you massage oil into the scalp to help the skin and hair follicles become hydrated and stimulated. Not only is the oil helping hydrate the scalp, but the act of massage is helping strengthen the new hair growth. 

The oil is only left in for an hour and then washed. One major change was also switching to a natural shampoo bar. After a bit of research, I found there are a lot of unnecessary ingredients in commercial shampoo that can strip and make your hair weak. After only a few uses I found there were no more small dry lumps over my scalp and my hair condition improved dramatically. 

It is just a couple of steps I have personally taken and I believe it is a great way to make a few changes to battle dandruff and hair health.

If you having similar struggles? I highly suggest trying avocado oil for hair oiling (also don't brush the oil, just massage it in.) Then make the switch to a shampoo bar and conditioner bar! They not only have less chemicals, but you will also be saving the waste on shampoo bottles.
Our own tried and true Nourishing shampoo bar!

Bee native nourishing shampoo bar

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